Accountability for Writing · At Split Ends · Rejection · Writing

Turn the page

As I attempt to write this blog post, it is near midnight and the house is quiet. I’ll finally get to write, I’m thinking. While everyone is asleep… Everyone except my English Bulldog, Bobo, who is growling at the bedroom door. I’m not in the bedroom, and she can’t figure out why.

They say images are good when you’re writing a post. This picture was taken in north Georgia at Meeks Park. I love being near bodies of water. It’s calming. Now, the photo has nothing to do with why I’m writing tonight. But isn’t it pretty? Can’t you just hear the water traveling over the rocks? I took the photo during a walk back in the spring. I love traveling to the mountains. It’s good to go where the air is fresh and all of God’s creations can show off.

Y’all know that it’s been a hard year. I won’t get into details right now. We’ll save those details for another day.

Tonight, I just wanted to write.

Write to revive my corner of the world wide web. After reading old blog posts, I smiled at myself. Some articles are ten and fifteen years old. I was a voracious writer back then. Although I put on a good show, my confidence was weak. I was busy listening to everyone else instead of putting faith in myself. Instead of putting faith in what God had planned for me. Though the years may have been beneficial, as I learned a lot about the craft of writing, I have to wonder, what if I did this…? What if I did that?

Some of you may be saying, ah, ah ah… don’t do that. Don’t look back. And maybe you’re right.

So… what if we turn the page? Start a new chapter?

Are you wanting to start something new? Revive an old projects? I do. I’ve got ideas for books that need to be written. I’ve got plants to plant, weeds to pull, things to make and stuff to do. We’re not getting any younger, folks. Our day jobs aren’t going away. (I hope mine doesn’t… I need that paycheck!)

If we don’t follow our dreams now, when are we?

We can’t wait any longer.

Who’s with me?

I’m hearing crickets in the audience, but that’s alright. I’ll try to check back in with you so that we can hold each other accountable for our progress. Maybe you’re writing a book, too? Maybe you’re working on furthering your education? Maybe you’ve been trying to finish quilting a blanket or reviving your art skills. Whatever it is, let’s start now.

I need and I want to write again. Write more books, continue books in the series I’ve started. I wrote a blog post. So, what. It’s just a blog post.

I wrote. That is what matters.

Until next time,


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